Sunday, June 18, 2017


Not Hadoop-related, but awesome all the same. A few months ago I stumbled on PINE64's website and saw the pinebook, a linux arm64 laptop. That and a PocketCHIP made a great late-birthday, early-father's-day set of presents.

Build and shipping takes a couple months, shipping was almost 1/3 of the laptop cost, and performance and keyboard quality is exactly what you would expect :) But it is still a fun bit of hardware.

If you decide to get one, make sure to add on a USB-to-H-barrel power cord (or make your own). The pinebook does come with a power supply, but no point in carting around yet another wall-wart when the pinebook happily charges off a phone charger.

Mine powered right up into Xenial. I'm normally RH-based since everywhere I've been employed in the last couple decades has been, so it's nice to jump back into Debian-based.

aarch64 wasn't in mainline rust, but was in nursery, so
curl -sSf | bash
worked just fine and got me up and going with rust.

Update: HackADay has a great write-up. I didn't experience any of the screen issues they had since I have the 14", but the page has a great tear-down and overview of performance (which is not much :) )